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  • Writer's pictureVictoria Willson Interiors

How to choose the perfect paint colour?

Updated: Sep 25, 2023

One of the questions we most often get asked is how to choose the perfect paint colour? Firstly I would say avoid following paint trends. Obviously, they can date very quickly unless it is a colour that you absolutely love.

Consider the following points when choosing colour:

Room Direction

Look at the direction the room faces. South facing rooms can look completely different to a north facing room. Even walls in the same room can look a different colour depending on where the light falls. Try to work out if the space is warm or cool and think about the following:

  • South facing rooms get warmer lighting, so can appear more yellow. Perhaps go for a cooler looking colour like a blue or grey.

  • North Facing rooms will have a more cooler feel. Try to go for warmer tones.

  • West and East facing rooms gradually change through the day. You get light in the morning in an east facing room so a tranquil colour would be good as the sun goes down. West facing rooms will get the light at the end of the day so maybe neutral sage greens would work.

Deluxe Heritage

Use Tester Pots

Test Pots are the best way to check the suitability of the colours. They are a cheap too. We would advise to get the furniture you love first. Its far simpler to get a tin of paint than buy a sofa. You can then base your paint colours around the pieces of furniture and accessories you love.

Once you have put the tester paint on the wall keep checking it throughout the day to see how the light changes. One word of advice don’t paint very dark testers on the walls. These can take a long time to cover over if you decide to go pale!

What mood do you want to achieve?

Consider how you would like the room to make you feel then look at colours that will suit that. An example of this would be blue type colours and tones can help to relieve stress. This could be a good colour for your bedroom for example, as this is a place of relaxation.

Warmer colours can help you feel more energised. Think of spaces in the home such as a kitchen where these tones could be more suitable as these tend to be sociable areas.

However, ultimately you need to think about how a colour makes you feel and go with that.

Visualisation Apps

This is a good way to help you choose. Various paint brands such as Dulux and Crown have visualiser apps to do this. There are lots of other independent apps that offer this too.

You can put a photo of your room on and they will suggest combinations of colours. This can be really useful if you are unable to imagine what it will look like.

Lastly don’t be scared to experiment!

If you want a colour consultation to get you off to the right start, please get in contact with us. For all things painting and decorating our sister company 'Oh My Paint and Design' would be happy to help also!

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